Member Spotlight: Kacey Gollehon

What is your name?

Kacey Gollehon

What do you do for work and what is your slash?

I am a staff assistant and scheduler for the chief of staff in the Office of Governor Bullock.

How did you land in Helena?

I ventured to Helena almost five years ago to attend Carroll College. I fell in love over the course of four years and decided to stick around!

What is the best piece of advice that you ever received – career-related or otherwise?

A wise woman named Siri (and not my phone) quoted Howard Thurman to me recently - "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

When do you feel the most yourself?

When I'm on top of a mountain or driving the dirt road that I grew up on.

Where is the last place you explored and where do you want to explore next?

I am always exploring, but probably the last real adventure was to the Big Horn Canyon. Although it didn't end how we had hoped, it was an amazing site and such a beautiful part of our great state. Next, I would like to do a little more exploring in the Bob. I feel like in he 23 years that I have lived right in the heart of it, I haven't taken enough advantage of all the amazing things to see!

Tell us something about yourself that we didn’t ask:

I am a fifth generation Montanan and grew up on a cattle ranch on the Rocky Mountain Front. I am a firm believer in the saying, "there's no place like home!"

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