Member Spotlight: Nik Griffith


What is your name?

Nik Griffith

What do you do for work and what is your slash (aka what do you do in your free time)?

I'm a public involvement specialist for DOWL, a regional engineering firm and serve as the interim co-ED for NARAL Pro-Choice Montana. My free time consists of cooking (a lot) with friends and for events around Montana.

How did you land in Helena?

I started at Carroll College in 2006 and never looked back.

What is the best piece of advice that you ever received – career-related or otherwise?

I always joke that it's "walk anywhere like you belong there and you're in", but it's honestly, "Check, check again, and then ask for a second review."

When do you feel the most yourself?

With a ball cap on, over a stove, and surrounded by well-worn cookbooks and good friends.

Where is the last place you explored and where do you want to explore next?

I just got back from Chicago on a birthday "food tour" with an amazing friend, but I've got my sights set on a few food truck events on the Northwest. Food trucks inspire me so much, those folks make some of the most amazing food on the fly.

Tell us something about yourself that we didn’t ask: 

I'm a proud member of the Montana LGBTQ community (as a gay man). As the fight for rights and legal protections grows, I'm incredibly lucky to work with so many amazing LGBTQ Montanans in so many fields.